Friday, September 12, 2008

Ta Da !

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But really, it never fails to amaze me how this logic doesn't bother some people.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Oh please...

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Behold, the lie they used to get a man like bill gates to build an evil empire and become the richest and one of the most powerful men who ever lived.

i mean seriously.

Intelligence isn't sexy. A half million dollar car is sexy. People who sell this lie are just trying to invest through sex. Take my word for it, on the rare occasions where a woman finds intelligence sexy, she'll still leave the man in the dust if he doesn't use that intelligence exclusively for fiscal gain.

Notice to lazy bitches: Instead of trying to fuck someone smart, pick up a publication that doesn't contain a list of "54 sexy things to do in bed that will ensure you never do anything for yourself ever again."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008


Play With Spider - Flash 3D -

Absolutely awesome. Enjoy a digital pet spider.

Customizable legs/body/movements, even remote control. And you can give him little bugs to eat. They appear to spawn dead, so don't feel bad for them.

I love spiders. I have them all over my house because I refuse to squish them, But, I don't have bug of any other kind, other than the stray moth.

I didn't remote control him because that would be killing him in my mind, I also was very gentle about pulling him around, I didn't try to yank his legs off or anything which I'm sure everyone else does.