Saturday, February 16, 2008

Masculism Now!

This is a position list meant to express why I feel that men are an underclass in contemporary American society. It is under construction, and open to debate. If you disagree with any of these choose one and meet me on

Your comments will not be censored.

  1. Men die sooner.

  2. Men suffer a great statistical disadvantage when it comes to fighting for their children in court.

  3. Men are ridiculed for social expressions of emotion.

  4. Men are forced to compete with each other, or capitulate to a woman if they want a mate at all.

  5. Men must live up to their mates idea of what it is to be a man and a father.

  6. Men must work or risk destitution, homelessness, and social ostracism.

  7. Men must suffer in order to acquire any sex.

  8. Men are expected to maintain the home with no say in its appearance.

  9. Men are constantly required to tolerate inconsistency and irrationality, especially from a mate.

  10. Men who use their body to manipulate women are considered abusive and monstrous.

  11. Men have an extremely narrow range of options for potential dress and hair style.

  12. Men are constantly told by society that they are ugly and not successful enough.

  13. Men are constantly told by society that without a woman they are utterly worthless and pathetic.

  14. Men are constantly told that a father is replaceable.

  15. Men as a gender are given no assistance what so ever in job placement.

  16. Traditional man's work is dangerous and difficult.

  17. Men lose jobs to women because of their gender alone.

  18. Men who express their genetic desire for sexual exploration and polygamy are perverts.

  19. Men have almost no organized assistance as a gender.

While simultaneously...

  1. Women live longer.

  2. Women get a disproportional advantage in court when fighting for parental rights.

  3. Women are encouraged to express themselves emotionally both publicly and privately.

  4. Women compete for better mates, but even when they settle they have the power.

  5. Women get to define what it is to be a man and a father.

  6. Women have the socially acceptable choice of not working.

  7. Women typically profit from the acquisition of at least moderately enjoyable sex.

  8. Women are typically allowed total control of the home's decor.

  9. Women are socially allowed to issue conflicting and irrational edicts.

  10. Women who use their body to manipulate men are considered strong and clever.

  11. Women are allowed a much greater degree of freedom with regard to dress and hairstyle.

  12. Women are constantly told by society how beautiful they are.

  13. Women are constantly told that they are the sum total purpose of men's existence.

  14. Women are constantly told that the most important thing a human can be is a mother.

  15. Women are given preferential selection in almost every job market.

  16. Traditional woman's work is simple and safe by comparison.

  17. Women who work profit socially because of the women who choose not to work.

  18. Women who express their genetic desire for sexual exploration and polygamy are sexy.

  19. Women have hundreds of social groups to protect their rights and interests.

Masculism: a social theory or political movement supporting the equality of both sexes in all aspects of public and private life; specifically, a theory or movement that argues that legal and social restrictions on males must be removed in order to bring about such equality.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Masculism, Cynicism, and Woman Hating.

This essay is out of date:: See the updated version here.

Many times when people read some of my work they come to the conclusion that I am cynical and that I hate women or view them in a bad light.

The purpose of this post is to answer that claim, so that I can have a full bodied response at my fingertips.

I consider myself a masculist, and here' I'll include the definition.

Well, in looking for a suitable definition, I found a lovely double standard.

According to Http:// ...



  1. A social theory or political movement supporting the equality of both sexes in all aspects of public and private life; specifically, a theory or movement that argues that legal and social restrictions on females must be removed in order to bring about such equality.

According to Http:// ... (until I edited it, I'm sure someone will put it back)


masculism (plural masculisms)

  1. A belief in the superiority of men or the masculine.

    • 1983, Sheila Ruth, quoted in Judith Evans (1986), Feminism and Political Theory [1], ISBN 0803997051, page 70:

    Fascism, fully revealed, is the extreme, exquisite expression of masculism, of patriarchy, and thus the natural enemy of feminism, its quintessential opposite.
    • 1997, Nalini Persram, "In my father's house are many mansions", in Black British Feminism: A Reader [2], ISBN 0415152887, page 213:

    It often takes a crisis of some sort to initiate the difficult but empowering feminist process of renegotiating the masculisms that dominate the discourses of origin, authenticity and belonging in a way that transforms margins into frontiers, lack into (ad)vantage.
    The Rocky-Rambo syndrome puts on display the raw masculism which is at the bottom of conservative socialization and ideology.

So, when one argues for equal rights from the man's perspective, they are a bigot, but when one argues for equal rights from a woman's perspective they are a civil rights figure.

Anyway, I'll define masculism correctly, and continue to answer the charge that I am a woman hater or am cynical etc.



  1. A social theory or political movement supporting the equality of both sexes in all aspects of public and private life; specifically, a theory or movement that argues that legal and social restrictions on males must be removed in order to bring about such equality.

For example, the social restriction on arguing that men are the oppressed gender in America. As if honor killings over the proper use of a burqa are common in the states.

No, I do not hate women, I just feel that they are in an undeserved socially superior position. Like the blue eye brown eye school experiment demonstrated, whenever an oppressed group is given power over their oppressors on equally flimsy grounds they will act as badly as those who oppressed them. This is a sad human fact.

Feminists in the modern American context simply want revenge. They want a period of social superiority to make up for the long period of inferiority.

Granted, the global picture of women's rights is a grim one, and feminists are indeed needed all over the world, and in those contexts I consider myself a feminist as well. But here in America, any disadvantages females encounter are consequences of their own choices.

For example, if a woman wants to complain about being a victim of violent crime then they should not subsidize violent men with mates. Time and again the smaller gentler man is disregarded in favor of the larger aggressive one. This means that what it is to be a successful man is inherently linked with violence because of the choices women make.

Rape is not a significant source of children anymore in the west on an evolutionary level, men desire sex more than women for hormonal and biological reasons, therefor women have more sexual power because more often than the man, the women becomes the gate keeper of sex, or as I like to put it, The Chooser Sex.

Women as a result generally get to choose when a family is formed. No glove no love, they can say. Thanks to legal favoritism they also choose who gets to be a father and thus THEY control what it is to be a man and father, because if a man or father does not measure up she can divorce him and take his child in the majority of cases.

Therefor it is not fair to blame men for how they are since how they are is largely under female control.

Pointing this out does not mean I hate or blame women. I consider this a social inequity perpetrated on both sexes by The Company (Corp/Gov/Church), using monogamy as its chief tool, for purposes of profit, as I have explained before.

I don't hate women, I love women. I personally consider them my superior by default, as they are physically built better, and they are calmer and more compassionate by and large, which may be a reason they tolerate violence too much, their forgiving nature, but in any case this situation is the result of sexual selection practices they have instituted, and perpetuate.

This may seem conflicted, one might ask :”but if you consider them your superior why do you complain about their supposed superior standing in society?”

Quite simply because why they are superior in this society has nothing to do with why I consider them superior as a gender. Women in this society are superior because they posses a vagina, not because they have a gift for compromise, compassion, diplomacy, and personal strength.

Women are on top socially because they are desired sexually. This has nothing to do with their general advantage in the traits I mentioned above, which means that women who possess none of those traits are still placed on top, like Paris Hilton for example.

I think most everyone can agree that she's a vapid monster. But she does not need to be hated because she enjoys sex or money, most of us do, and that's nothing to be shamed of. She needs to be hated because she sells sex covertly and is part of a culture that encourages others to do the same, with disastrous results. She demands pampering because she fits The Company's social definition of beauty.

I wish the playing field to be equalized so that the traits I mentioned above can be accorded their due respect. And I personally believe that in an equal society primarily women would be in charge until such time as sexual selection or transhumanist pressures begin to more evenly divide those traits up among the genders.

No, I do not hate women. No, my view is not cynical, it is in fact hopeful. Sex is something sacred and it is a human right. To trade it like so much beef is a grand sacrilege. It should be shared freely circumstances permitting. Sex is the perfect drug and we are all born with it, we should not have to pay third parties for it. And we should revere those who are kind enough to give it away or sell it at fair market value, not call them sluts and whores and attack them as if they were inhuman. Nor should we attack and humiliate those who wish to buy sex, or who want sex, for being perverts or pathetic, anymore than we should attack a starving person looking for a meal.

Some will blame men for their hunger, claiming sex obsession, but this is radically unfair. Sex is a basic animal need. And testosterone is what makes men different from women, and it is also the sex drive hormone in both sexes. Again pointing this out does not make me a woman hater.

No, the fact is, its everyone else that has the dark and cynical view of love and sex. I see it as a crystal pure flowing stream. Not a dirty six pack of Dasani.

Editorial addition:

I have a problem with cultural aspects of general female behaviors and choices. But to have a problem with women simply because they are women would be equivalent to racism. I have a problem with choices, not people.

I love people.

However, yes, I have a dim view of some people as they are defined by their actions because of the choices they consistently make. No cynic thinks of himself as a cynic, they all think of themselves as realists. I personally think of myself as an optimist.

After all, look at the hope I show is speaking at all, if I was a cynic would I not take the attitude "why bother"?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Cloak and Hooker

Undercover hookers everywhere.

People get mad at those who say all women are whores but really when you look at just how much of typical American romance is about power and money its easy to see where the misconception (if it is one) comes from.

Any woman who gets vitriolic about hookers or sluts has about a 90% chance of being an undercover hooker who hates sluts because they give away what they are trying to sell or hates hookers for selling what they are trying to sell at a fraction of the cost.

This is why both women and men blame women when cheating in a relationship occurs. Because deep down women know they have all the real power, and you don't blame the powerless because they have no responsibility.