So I read about and decided to search my name.
And I found this...
"Rape is rape, if someone doesnt want to have sex and they are forced into it, thats what it is, wether a state defines it that way or not"
And What I have to say to this person is as follows. Let it be known honey that if you reply its going on this page. Feel free to comment but I'm not in the mood to debate you privately.
Rape is rape you say, and yet I'm sure you've made a drop the soap joke at least once in your life.
Rape is a political bargaining chip by and large and the unpopular fact is it simply would not occur nearly as often if women didn't choose to hang around aggressive atavistic muscle bound alpha thugs due to perceived sexual ability.
I'm not saying rape is the woman's fault, but its not the man's fault 100% either. The myth of the innocent victim princess has got to die. The majority of rape involving a female in the west is not preceded by home invasion.
If you hang with thugs and gang bangers and beer happy frat boys and inked up pill head hair dye musicians because you still want to piss off daddy by bedding liberty spikes you're gunna pay for it eventually. Play with fire, get burned.
Rape is a feminazi buzzword these days more than anything, when it needs to be just another crime. Why can't I get a security escort to my car? Oh right because being shot in the face for my wallet is not near as bad as being raped. I'm tired of being a second class citizen just because I have a penis.
I must say you couldn't cut the irony here with a chainsaw.
Fact is, most of you probably don't care that harmless pot head men are raped daily at shiv point after having their teeth knocked out. You're far more concerned about some little tease that let Johnny frat boy and company buy her enough booze to kill a rhino and then magically wakes up with her skirt lifted.
Are you even aware of the simple fact that more men in the united states are raped than women? And please bear in mind that when a man gets raped its never in a hole that's designed for entry of any kind. I'll venture to say that torture heavy serial killers aside, prison rape is a billion times worse then anything a women is likely to encounter on the outside.
So please get over yourselves. Sure, rape is horrid, but until I see some hate for it across the board, this whole discussion will remind me of bigots and GRID.
"The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons." - Fyodor Dostoevsky
Monday, July 28, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Ending and beginnings
Things change.
Axioms are uncovered, and I find myself with a job and without work.
No life's work anymore.
You cannot be convinced.
Could I honestly talk you into anything you did not already believe?
It comes down to trust, trust in people and trust in your perceptions.
I can't make you trust me, and without that nothing I say or even show you matters.
You have no choices. You can not be enlightened. You either are or are not. Timing is irrelevant and an illusion.
Do you know what things mean? No choice. Who you are as a person is a function of choices you never made, choices made for you at the instant of the universe's inception.
It's been said before. This is not news. Electrons behave in a predictable way or a random way. Either way, you choices are the same. Governed, or random, both meaningless with regard to who you are because you do not exist.
I have spent my adult life talking to the dead.
What does a philosopher do when it finds the answer?
Axioms are uncovered, and I find myself with a job and without work.
No life's work anymore.
You cannot be convinced.
Could I honestly talk you into anything you did not already believe?
It comes down to trust, trust in people and trust in your perceptions.
I can't make you trust me, and without that nothing I say or even show you matters.
You have no choices. You can not be enlightened. You either are or are not. Timing is irrelevant and an illusion.
Do you know what things mean? No choice. Who you are as a person is a function of choices you never made, choices made for you at the instant of the universe's inception.
It's been said before. This is not news. Electrons behave in a predictable way or a random way. Either way, you choices are the same. Governed, or random, both meaningless with regard to who you are because you do not exist.
I have spent my adult life talking to the dead.
What does a philosopher do when it finds the answer?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
**under construction**
Abstract: Math is a silly linguistic religion. A neat little puzzle system that is just close enough to reality to confuse the shit out of people into believing it IS reality. Divide by zero being my main demonstration of this.
They say Chuck Norris can divide by zero, well dammit I think I can as well.
This article was written in response to a comic, which reminded me of countless discussion I have had on the subjects of mathematics.
Take Imaginary Numbers for instance. Hehe, the whole mathematics system is an abstraction, so I ask you, imaginary as opposed to what? Can someone mail me the number 2? Now I realize where they are going. It's a valid set distinction, but whats up with that name? How obtuse and narrow do you have to be to see that imaginary as a label inside an abstract system is hilariously silly?
My favorite example. Divide by zero. Total bullshit in my opinion. A grand example of indecisiveness, and inflexibility. A proof that the system is broken, and needs to be replaced or repaired.
Like a house with a missing bathroom. "Just don't open that door, yes the house is perfect and complete, so long as you don't open that door, opening that door is an "illegitimate operation".
I see where they are getting it of course, I'm not a moron. The simplest explanation I ever got was written in math. 5 x 1 = 5, 5 x 0 = 0, 5 / 1 = 5, 5 / 0 = “undefined”
Is everything the opposite of nothing? Is anything the opposite of nothing? This is clearly a complex thought, and that complexity is the root of my argument. In one regard something, anything, is the opposite of nothing, in that nothing is the absence of presence and something is the presence of presence. But in another regard infinite is the opposite of nothing. Think of a void. Now think of an anti-void being made of infinitely dense matter, extending in all directions for an infinite distance . How much rock is there? Infinite. See what I mean?
The point I'm trying to make here is that the answer is a philosophical one and math people present it as an objective provable settled truth. They gloss over it like we gloss over freewill. Only we have a good reason. Society itself would collapse if we didn't. Math collapsing is not all that tragic since we have alternatives.
We have a word for when people present a belief as an objective fact without being able to prove if. Religion.
And don't give me the proofs of division by zero being "non-sense". To me they merely add to my point. Take the following for example.
0x1=0, 0x2=0, (0x1=0x2)/0, 1=2
Wiki puts it thusly... “The fallacy is the implicit assumption that dividing by 0 is a legitimate operation with 0 / 0 = 1. “
Now, to my mind, it zero exists, which it clearly must, even as a placeholder for non-existence, then subtracting that placeholder becomes an attack on the system itself. IE it stops being zero and becomes "actual" nothing, or something representing nothing in a higher system.
I've read all that. They are invalid because my argument is the whole system of mathematics is flawed from the foundation up, thus using it to prove itself is exactly like saying the bible is infallible because the bible says its infallible and since its infallible it must be right when it says its infallible.
It's like this. How many 1s are in 5? 5. How many 0s are in five? It's gotta be infinite or none. Infinity or 0, the end. We're dealing with the ends of the road here. The place where the system breaks down.
How many times can I subtract zero from five before five can no longer supply zeros? Infinite. How many zeros can I add 0 to zero before the total value exceeds or reaches 5? Infinite.
We're talking about the thing which makes nothing different from something. This is philosophy, not math. If we could truly understand the thing that makes something different from nothing then we should be able to use that to develop a way to manifest imaginary object in non-imaginary space.
To me this is a great idea for a story, that could tie in magic and arcane formulas and demon summoning and "real" magic etc, and all thats cool, but its got no place being on a course requirement.
The system is just broken, or a new number needs to be invented. A number that is both zero and infinite at the same time. I propose we name this number Mu, or Zen. This "undefined" crap is elitist garbage. Doubly so since Math has a serious fetish for eponyms.
It's like building a car on paper and then discovering the wheels overlap the frame.
You don't just name the problem and keep going, you fix it or you start over.
Abstract: Math is a silly linguistic religion. A neat little puzzle system that is just close enough to reality to confuse the shit out of people into believing it IS reality. Divide by zero being my main demonstration of this.
They say Chuck Norris can divide by zero, well dammit I think I can as well.
This article was written in response to a comic, which reminded me of countless discussion I have had on the subjects of mathematics.
Take Imaginary Numbers for instance. Hehe, the whole mathematics system is an abstraction, so I ask you, imaginary as opposed to what? Can someone mail me the number 2? Now I realize where they are going. It's a valid set distinction, but whats up with that name? How obtuse and narrow do you have to be to see that imaginary as a label inside an abstract system is hilariously silly?
My favorite example. Divide by zero. Total bullshit in my opinion. A grand example of indecisiveness, and inflexibility. A proof that the system is broken, and needs to be replaced or repaired.
Like a house with a missing bathroom. "Just don't open that door, yes the house is perfect and complete, so long as you don't open that door, opening that door is an "illegitimate operation".
I see where they are getting it of course, I'm not a moron. The simplest explanation I ever got was written in math. 5 x 1 = 5, 5 x 0 = 0, 5 / 1 = 5, 5 / 0 = “undefined”
Is everything the opposite of nothing? Is anything the opposite of nothing? This is clearly a complex thought, and that complexity is the root of my argument. In one regard something, anything, is the opposite of nothing, in that nothing is the absence of presence and something is the presence of presence. But in another regard infinite is the opposite of nothing. Think of a void. Now think of an anti-void being made of infinitely dense matter, extending in all directions for an infinite distance . How much rock is there? Infinite. See what I mean?
The point I'm trying to make here is that the answer is a philosophical one and math people present it as an objective provable settled truth. They gloss over it like we gloss over freewill. Only we have a good reason. Society itself would collapse if we didn't. Math collapsing is not all that tragic since we have alternatives.
We have a word for when people present a belief as an objective fact without being able to prove if. Religion.
And don't give me the proofs of division by zero being "non-sense". To me they merely add to my point. Take the following for example.
0x1=0, 0x2=0, (0x1=0x2)/0, 1=2
Wiki puts it thusly... “The fallacy is the implicit assumption that dividing by 0 is a legitimate operation with 0 / 0 = 1. “
Now, to my mind, it zero exists, which it clearly must, even as a placeholder for non-existence, then subtracting that placeholder becomes an attack on the system itself. IE it stops being zero and becomes "actual" nothing, or something representing nothing in a higher system.
I've read all that. They are invalid because my argument is the whole system of mathematics is flawed from the foundation up, thus using it to prove itself is exactly like saying the bible is infallible because the bible says its infallible and since its infallible it must be right when it says its infallible.
It's like this. How many 1s are in 5? 5. How many 0s are in five? It's gotta be infinite or none. Infinity or 0, the end. We're dealing with the ends of the road here. The place where the system breaks down.
How many times can I subtract zero from five before five can no longer supply zeros? Infinite. How many zeros can I add 0 to zero before the total value exceeds or reaches 5? Infinite.
We're talking about the thing which makes nothing different from something. This is philosophy, not math. If we could truly understand the thing that makes something different from nothing then we should be able to use that to develop a way to manifest imaginary object in non-imaginary space.
To me this is a great idea for a story, that could tie in magic and arcane formulas and demon summoning and "real" magic etc, and all thats cool, but its got no place being on a course requirement.
The system is just broken, or a new number needs to be invented. A number that is both zero and infinite at the same time. I propose we name this number Mu, or Zen. This "undefined" crap is elitist garbage. Doubly so since Math has a serious fetish for eponyms.
It's like building a car on paper and then discovering the wheels overlap the frame.
You don't just name the problem and keep going, you fix it or you start over.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Transformers: For The Record.
This is a repost from my SU blog. It is in response to yet another film school wannabe trashing Michael Bay's Transformers. A phenomena that royally pisses me off for some reason.
Don't tell me what I should and shouldn't like you elitist shit bag.
Sure, I could have done with out stripper mistress car thief...

...producing yet another round of dick hoops, and the army apparently being required for Optimus Prime to save the day, (LMAO) but the movie other then that kicked ass, for one simple reason.
It was a bunch of robots fighting!
I don't know what you did with transformers, but I made mine fly around and kick eachother's asses. And I'll tell you, the plot behind the epic duels consisted of little more than one robot deciding that the other needs to DIE DIE DIE SHOOOM POW! BSHHHHHHHH WHOOOMMMMMmmmm... PEW PEW PEW,
I did not go to see transformers expecting gone with the wind, ok? And if you did, you need your eyes scooped out with a melon baller.
Speaking as a child of the 80s, and an only child at that, which means plenty of toy time, the movie fucking rocked.
I still get misty seeing bumblebee in his full glory trying to communicate, and then later asking to stay.
Come on, was that not EVERY boy's fantasy? Your own transformer?
Sure, I would have loved a CGI shot for shot remake of the cartoon movie, Unicron would have been godlike, but Spock is probably busy,Orson wells is dead, and the music of today SUCKS.
Really listen to the lyrics of the music from the first transformers movie, sure it was 80s dated hair metal goodness, but it was all about inner strength and fighting the good fight, not like today's putrid vomit about how best to acquiesce to unreasonable princess demands, or generally excel at being a preening douche bag.
All things considered, Bay's movie rocked. And I can't wait to see the next one.
"But... Its not marketed as trendy and different. Its not alienating my chosen counter group. I can't talk about it seeing it first at Cannes over my soy mocha latte no foam half cafs. And more then four people not like me like it, therefor it sucks."
Those that disagree suck cock by choice. Get off my internet, you whiny, jaded, spoiled, insecure, consumer slaves.
If you hate the movie so much, without even seeing it I might add, news flash, it's not mandatory.
P.S. I captured and hosted the below image myself. If you can look at that and tell other people it sucks with a straight face, I suggest running for congress given that you clearly have the required brain damage.

Don't tell me what I should and shouldn't like you elitist shit bag.
Sure, I could have done with out stripper mistress car thief...

...producing yet another round of dick hoops, and the army apparently being required for Optimus Prime to save the day, (LMAO) but the movie other then that kicked ass, for one simple reason.
It was a bunch of robots fighting!
I don't know what you did with transformers, but I made mine fly around and kick eachother's asses. And I'll tell you, the plot behind the epic duels consisted of little more than one robot deciding that the other needs to DIE DIE DIE SHOOOM POW! BSHHHHHHHH WHOOOMMMMMmmmm... PEW PEW PEW,
I did not go to see transformers expecting gone with the wind, ok? And if you did, you need your eyes scooped out with a melon baller.
Speaking as a child of the 80s, and an only child at that, which means plenty of toy time, the movie fucking rocked.
I still get misty seeing bumblebee in his full glory trying to communicate, and then later asking to stay.
Come on, was that not EVERY boy's fantasy? Your own transformer?
Sure, I would have loved a CGI shot for shot remake of the cartoon movie, Unicron would have been godlike, but Spock is probably busy,Orson wells is dead, and the music of today SUCKS.
Really listen to the lyrics of the music from the first transformers movie, sure it was 80s dated hair metal goodness, but it was all about inner strength and fighting the good fight, not like today's putrid vomit about how best to acquiesce to unreasonable princess demands, or generally excel at being a preening douche bag.
All things considered, Bay's movie rocked. And I can't wait to see the next one.
"But... Its not marketed as trendy and different. Its not alienating my chosen counter group. I can't talk about it seeing it first at Cannes over my soy mocha latte no foam half cafs. And more then four people not like me like it, therefor it sucks."
Those that disagree suck cock by choice. Get off my internet, you whiny, jaded, spoiled, insecure, consumer slaves.
If you hate the movie so much, without even seeing it I might add, news flash, it's not mandatory.
P.S. I captured and hosted the below image myself. If you can look at that and tell other people it sucks with a straight face, I suggest running for congress given that you clearly have the required brain damage.

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